Anas Sheikh Ibrahim Apps

GrowthCalc 1.4.1
Anas Sheikh Ibrahim
Growth Charts & Height Predictors
Neo-Calc 1.0.0
Anas Sheikh Ibrahim
Neo-Calc is a medical calculators application designed tohelppediatricians, NICU practitioners, and nurses. It has thefollowingfeatures: - AAP hyperbilirubinemia treatment thresholdscharts andBhutani hyperbilirubinemia risk stratification chart withautomaticplotting of the bilirubin level on the chart for full termandpreterm babies >=35 weeks gestational age -NICEhyperbilirubinemia treatment thresholds charts withautomaticplotting of the bilirubin level on the chart for full termandpreterm babies >=23 weeks gestational age -Resuscitationequipment sizes and medication doses - Infusionmedicationscalculators - Blood pressure calculators - Growthcalculators andcharts, including Fenton growth references,INTERGROWTH-21stcharts, and infants' WHO growth charts - Neutralthermalenvironment and environmental humidity calculators -Oxygenationindex and A-a oxygen gradient calculators All the abovecalculatorsare supplied with “quick info” theoretical partproviding someadditional information to help interpret the results.